Key Details
Core Function:
Remove items from an area
Start to End Time:
1 day to as long as it takes
Prep Time:
As little as 2 days to make and settle plans,
Actual Work Time:
4 hours up to as many days as it takes
Identify, Plan, Contract, Schedule, Clear
Clearout - a simple goal - remove non-building items from a space.
Most Common Reasons to use Clearout
End of Lease
Prepare for Construction
Clearing Old Storage Spaces
Step 1: Define the Area
Most cases are room by room or suite by suite.
We are up for whole buildings if needed.
What are we clearing? Unneeded Stored items, Furniture, or everything back to the floor and walls.
Step 2: Approve the Plan
We'll put together a plan to get the work done and send it over. You make sure the flow, walk paths, and timeline work for you, then give your approval.
Step 3: Schedule
This is the final step in the planning process. We'll line up the plan to get you cleared out before your deadline.
Click to Schedule a
Kickoff Meeting
Related Services
Combine Services
Most jobs take a few services to accomplish the full plan.
Feel free to mix and match as needed!
Time brings change. Change can be very good. Let's find that good together.